Whiter teeth, more space in the bathroom or a new job? I fictionally implemented an example for a furniture seller: The starting point is a living room with a small, old sofa - with the new sofa it looks much more stylish and there is more space too! Click the button below to load the content from cdn.knightlab.com. Load content Tool #3: Implement it yourself with JuxtaposeJS Maike already mentioned JuxtaposeJS in her blog post about storytelling tools . Because the application is so simple but effective, I don't want to ignore it here either What’s special: JuxtaposeJS is free and super easy to use.
Because all you actually have to do is upload your two images, fill out the labels, select India Car Owner Phone Number List the slider start position and click Publish. Creative tip on the side: You can also start the slider at 5% - put a question on the top image and visualize the solution on the bottom image. Quizzes with a difference. Screenshot of the JuxtaposeJS tool A before and after picture can be created quickly with JuxtaposeJS . 4. Interactive maps: individual navigation Maps have become our faithful companion on smartphones - and therefore the perfect basis for locating information. Users can see at a glance what is nearby and receive relevant information with just one click. This means that the map has individual added value for a wide variety of people and situations.
Street maps with interactive added value We know maps from hotel portals or Car2Go. But bier.de also uses a map to visualize the locations of breweries. With the search function I can easily find the shops near me and get further information by clicking on the buttons. Interactive map from bier.de A second example is from Nuremberg Airport - here the map shows which cities are served. If I click on a city, it is automatically added to my search form and I see what possible flight dates are available. Tool #4: Implement it yourself with Mapme.com The usability is convincing: One click on Create Map and off you go.