gislation e Ads too quickly realize this: they are spending their money unnecessarily, only attracting profiles that are far removed from those that interest them. Publishing Google Ads campaigns is therefore not synonymous with increased revenue, but can, on the contrary, be very costly. Translating Google Ads campaigns: don't let amateurs take care of this detailed work A Google ad that is a hit in France, displaying an excellent click-through rate and converting at all times, will have to be modified to obtain the same results abroad.
You would like, for example, to offer your services in England and therefore consider WhatsApp Number List translating your Google Ads ad from French to English . But have you thought about doing some preliminary localization work ? Have you researched the keywords to target in this new target market? A simple translation of keywords will not be enough, research will be necessary to see which ones to target. READ ALSO Translating your e-commerce site to succeed internationally Have you redesigned your text to adapt it to this new market.

The clear success or failure of a Google , which will make or break your success in a foreign land. Don't let chance guide your first steps into a market that could boost your return on investment and make you known internationally . For almost 20 years, our international translation agency has been helping French and foreign companies to make themselves known beyond their borders. Our translations of marketing documents , multilingual websites and other corporate communications have traveled the globe thanks to translations carried out by qualified professionals , guaranteeing unrivaled quality and reliability.